The lecture provides detailed instructions on VBA programming to merge Excel files showing the merging status of each file very professionally with the JoinFiles API function of Add-in A-Tools.
Sub TestJoinFiles()
Dim x, t1
t1 = getTickCount
x = JoinFiles(Range("C3").Value, Range("A4:A1003").Value, True, _
ObjPtr(ActiveCell), AddressOf DoProgress)
MsgBox "Thoi gian thuc hien: " & (getTickCount - t1) / 1000 & " giay" & vbNewLine & _
"So dong ghep duoc: " & x, vbInformation
End Sub
Sub DoProgress(ByVal Value As Long, ByVal MaxValue As Long, _
ByVal sSQL As String, ByVal sFile As String)
UserForm1.BSProgressBar1.Max = MaxValue
UserForm1.BSProgressBar1.Position = Value
UserForm1.Label1.Caption = Round(Value / MaxValue * 100, 0) & "%"
UserForm1.Label2.Caption = sSQL
UserForm1.Label3.Caption = sFile
End Sub